
Welcome to the Northfield Woods Sanitary District Web site. This is where you’ll find all available public information about the District, what we do, and what it means to you and the community. If you are looking to make a payment please visit the “Billing & Payments” page on the header for more information.


Public Notice is hereby given that the date, time and location of the Northfield Woods Sanitary Districts regularly scheduled monthly meetings will be via remote Zoom access.  Anyone wishing to attend meetings should contact the office at (847)998-1860, and leave a message or email office@nfwsanitary.com.  Your call will be returned with the necessary information in order to attend the meeting.

We are here to serve the sanitary needs of portions of the following communities:



Prospect Heights

A personal note from our trustees:

Friends, neighbors, and customers of the Northfield Woods Sanitary District (NWSD).

There are typically two unique sewer systems: One for your storm water management (clean water, like rain, water runoff, etc), and one for your sanitary sewer (stuff that got flushed, went down the drains…. shower, sink, dishwasher, etc)

The NWSD takes the sanitary waste from homes and businesses in our district, and transports it to the MWRD interceptor, where the pipes feed into a massive pipe that carries the waste to be processed and reclaimed.  Imagine a lot of connections funneling down into one, and if that one is full, or backs up, everything feeding into it also backs up, starting with the lowest points along the line.